Getting started
The gateway to a new world of imagination and discovery
Last updated
The gateway to a new world of imagination and discovery
Last updated
Follow these steps to start using Loreweaver:
Sign up with your Discord account on the loreweaver platform. You get 10 free messages upon signing up!
Invite Loreweaver Discord bot to your server by clicking the "Invite Bot' button on the platform.
Create your first adventure by typing in your Discord server.
Choose a that is good for your situation and you can optionally add a premise
to specify the general storyline or plots of the adventure.
Once done, a new Discord channel should have been created to host your adventure (named after the title
you chose during creation).
Go to the adventure channel and type /register to play as your character within the adventure.
You can optionally add a bio
If you are playing with other people, they must also register their characters to play.
People can register and deregister whenever they want.
When you run out of Credits, you can purchase more on the loreweaver platform.